Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The key of H

So it's a snow day. On one of the days we didn't have school. Go figure.
But it's alright. I couldn't sleep anyways. I somehow got a cold even though I never left the house.
I just recently practiced for youth band Sunday, and man do I see i'm out of practice. I didn't think I'd fall out of it that fast. I'm getting back up to speed though. I guess that happens to me more than I relieze.
It's still snowing outside, which is wonderful, but I wish I was around people to enjoy it.
Hopefully I will be this afternoon. I can't believe it's only 8:30, I mean usually I'm just starting class at this time pretty much. It seems that every time I don't sleep in I loaf around the house, but when I do sleep in I tend to get up and get going soon after I get up. Maybe if I switched the two it would be more balanced.
College stuff is freaking me out, but it's becoming less scary. I think right now I am leaning towards Gardner-Webb, I mean it's like 70/30 right now. idk. I plan on visiting Appalacian State here soon and see how I like it when I'm not on a tour.
The thought of constantly being the "good" one surrounded by "bad" people all the time scares me. Idk, at GW i'd have more time to grow and study and ask tough questions without being butchered... but at App, I would have more of a chance to expose the gospel to a more secular area, I know I'm not the person who saves everyone, but I feel as though I could do something there. I could be overwhelmed though. I like the thought of being in a larger city or at least large community of boone, but I also like the closeness of GW. I don't know, this stuff is huge, and I'm not ready to make a decision.
I'm torn between the fact that I like GW and I feel as though I could grow a lot which I am learning is nessasary- and the fact that I think I'll be comfortable at GW and maybe God wants me at App to make me uncomfortable, so I can truly learn to depend on him, maybe that's where he uses people best.

One of the people who wrote one of my recomendation letters referred to Angela as "his partner" as in "him and his partner" no name, just that.
I wonder if they think I'm gay...

I think I'm going to go play guitar, then play in the snow, then play house, and then play some music.

You guys have any thoughts of suggestions?


Special K said...

if you come for a visit again, let me know a week or so in advance and i can have some stuff planned out rather than just chillin in my room. I can probably get you in a couple classes and such. So feel free to come visit any time dude.

gk said...

I can tell you one thing for sure- It doesn't matter where you go to college, there will still be people to butcher you for being a Christian. Ask Kev. He goes to a "Christian school" but it doesn't make much of a difference. Come here. They REALLY hate Christians! :)