Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I'm tired of trying to find the perfect thing to blog about. I really am not motivated to type when I feel inspirations go through my head. Time to break the ice

I think there is a growing gap inbetween who I am and who I want (need) to be.

There are theories that some people get their energy from being around other people. That an extravert in some definitions is someone who feels out of place if not around people. I'm learning that there can be disadvantages to being all the way at the end of this spectrum.

I need to eat better food and by that I mean I need to surround myself with things that will help me grow.

I don't know why I'm driven so selfishly and lustfully here lately. I need help to overcome this.

I really like to bounce my thoughts outloud to other people. For some reason I process things easier that way.

God, please help me, I'm finding it hard to find my strength in You and not my own power.

Give me the grace to love people like you have loved me. You know how far I've failed at that.

Hope doesn't mean that it will be easy.

So let me stand on this:

---2 Corinthians 10:11

1 comment:

Angela said...

Did you know that last night, when you were quoting this verse to me, you did it wrong?
Paul didn't say "I hope I can be in person as I am in my letters," he said, "I will be in person as I am in my letters."


*extrovert ;]