Friday, May 22, 2009

My heads spinning the world is twisted

My head is twisted the world is spinning.

My dad just called me and told me that he set his phone on the dash and it flew out the window landing in the middle of the road. By the time he turned around and got back to it he guessed it must of gotten ran over by about ten cars.

So he calls me and tells me this.
Tough phone. I think I might should get one like it.

It was actually really motivating, because right now I'm pretty wore out and feel like I am being ran over continuously.

Good to know that even after a beating there is hope.

I'm freaked out about this gradation thing. I think I just need to go ahead and accept it.
But there is something yet still to do...
I'll find it.

I trudge and I step through the height and the depth of a long narrow road as I'm growing old and soon I will be home.

Take this life.
Won't you come and make me whole.

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