Friday, April 2, 2010

The flash didn't have a superpower, he was just prompt.

(I've had some theological disputes with a childhood friend of mine today so there is a lot of context here. This is not a bashing blog, I love these people and am by no means trashing them. There has been a lot of people around me who are going through a rough time and I am searching for practical application)

I don't want to just sit behind closed doors and have all the correct answers.

Don't get me wrong I want to fight for truth,

but as my friend's relationships fall apart, as my friends are hurt and broken and empty, and people are hungry, scared, and alone...

I feel like I have to be out there.

I can't just sit around all day behind the walls of having the right answers.

If the right answers leave these people without any hope than I do not think they are right.

I want to dive into the problem. I want to be poured out like a drink offering.
I need to spill myself out there.

The gospel, the good news, is good news.

When Jesus came and they asked if he was the messiah, he told them that the sick are being healed and the lame walking and the poor is having the gospel spoken to them.

There was hope for the broken in the life of Jesus and in his followers.

I want to continue that.
I have to find out how I can help.

If God gives me a partner to make me better for this I'd enjoy it, but I am ready to do this either way.

I'd need someone who empowers me to help others and makes me a better person.
But if I am not doing that myself it's going to do no good.

So I pray that I can see God.
I want to see where He is, I want to find his arms around the hurting and be there supporting it.
I want to hear His voice both loud and soft speaking truth and strength to the weak like myself.
I want to feel my life is poured out so that I can truly live.
I want to know how the truth applies to these situations and where my hand is suppose to be.

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