Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Ok so it was now my first day of school... yay............... :|

So it was... desent...
I found it hard to be the person I was in the summer...
I hated the fact that I felt like I have to impress everybody...
our entire school was super congested... people were everywhere...

Our parking lots were completely destroyed it seemed and it took like 30 minutes to get into a parking spot...
It was crazy to see these people I haven't seen in so long, but it seems that no one has changed...
and I don't know how show that I have...

I have class with a bunch of my friends first period, and second period I am in charge of a bunch of freshmen...
wow... soooo many freshmen...

The principal says that we are suppose to have our pants up to our "natural waistline" and that is like our belly button... =] I don't think it will stick...

It made me happy how many people remember about Angela and I =]

I went from having deep conversations about books and stuff to cynical "this sucks, this is the worst thing ever, I don't even want to try" and even though the book we were discussing was morbidly depressing, they wouldn't begin to look anything into it... *sigh* I find it hard to sit and listen to the people who try soooo hard to be ignorent...

I have a couple oppertunities to talk about my summer and my passions coming up in some assignments... I'm afraid I'll try to bring glory to myself and not the love that I'm trying to portray... I have a ego problem...

being surrounded by so much again was pretty despressing and three events really got me through it:

In the hall of friend of mine ran up to me and told me he got saved. =] I mean it was pretty cool.

and at lunch, I tried sitting with some of my friends, but I just felt like I wasn't in the right place, I just felt like I wasn't being the good news that I desperatly want to share... so I went inside (we were at the picnic area) and I ended up seeing this girl sitting all by herself... so I desided to sit down and talk to her, and it turns out it was the first day at our school for her, and she knew no one... apparently everybody was too snobby or preppy to talk to her, and we ended up having a great conversation...

and also, Paige was pretty cool to keep my cheerie throughout the day =]

In the end it was a super crazy day with a lot more stories, (like driving with my wheel about to come off) and it really took me for a loop, but I think good will come about it... =]

I miss all my ex-senior friends...

and now i'm distracted by tv and I can't think of anything else...



Anonymous said...

I'm glad your first day went pretty well. I'll have deep conversations with you, and I'd love to hear more about your awesome summer stuff. I won't think you're looking for glory. I hope I can continure to be awesome, at least as awesome as you.

Love you Favid!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that your first day went well. And I think it's pretty "cool" of you to even be aware that you're trying to impress all these people. Just remember that God made you perfect. You don't have to impress anyone. I'm really proud of you for listening to that voice telling you to be in some other place. I bet you made someones day b/c of it. Love ya. Mama K.