Friday, August 22, 2008

It's funny how perception can change, like when you're trying so hard to find a place to fit in, and come to find out, you've been there all along...

I've had a lot of perception changes here lately...

Since I've spent so much time at the homeless shelter it is really an eye opener of how different things really are...
let me explain:
I mean I grew up thinking that the people who would be in shelters would be smelly lazy guys who were just bent on getting there next bottle to chug down. I have come to find out that these people are just like any of us. Yes I understand that there are the whinos who choose to be drunkards and druggies and choose to live like that, but I mean these people are thankful, they clean up after themselves, they look out for each other and other people, I mean it was simply amazing. They keep the place more tidy than my room. I mean these people remember me by name, they remembered Angela by name, and it seems they seem more divinely concious than most churchy people I've met. I've fell in love with what is happening there.


It's rounding a year for Angela and I. =] I do think I'm on to something good. She baked like 6 cakes for the homeless shelter and came with me to treat them to dinner, I can not explain to you or her how much I was in love with her.


School starts back monday, it already feels like I don't have enough time already... i'm trying to find balance...



Anonymous said...

I love you David. You and Angela are both amazin people. The work you two do amazes me. I love you, and keep working, and keep being YOU!!

Love You Favid!!


gk said...

you just make me happy! I miss you!