Sunday, April 19, 2009

Letting Go of The Table

I'd really just like to talk and these things be written...
It's late and I'm really tired. I was off my groove for most my day, but I think I found it when the time came. I'm pretty stoked about going to Africa this summer. I've been reading Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell here lately and he hit home on something... he was talking about missionaries and how
missions are less about transporting God from one place to another and more about the identification of a God who is already there.

"It is almost like being a good missionary means having really good eyesight. Or maybe it means teaching people to use their eyes to see things that have always been there; they just didn't realize it. You see God where others don't. And then you point him out."

This seems like a beautiful reality to me. This seems like it's it.

There was a kid come up to me in the hall and asked me how I seemed so positive and happy all of the time. He seemed really curious. I wanted to tell him something like this. I wanted to show him the wonders I see in the midst of everyday chaos. I wanted to show him the beauty in broken things God creates. I want so badly for him to know these things.

I need some discipline to take time to myself and pray. Prayers turn into actions, but I seem to be trying to be all action. Ask me about it when you see me, if I don't take time to myself I lose my edge it seems.

I don't want to be afraid anymore.

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