Thursday, September 4, 2008

Change you can believe in?

This isn't really too much of a political post...
I thought it was a catchy title...

Watching politics have made me relieze things also though...
a couple things...

1. My dad and I can not seem to disagree on something well... we are both stubborn...

2. I do not want to turn out like my dad: who if he likes someone, they are a saint and it is a sin to say anything against them, and if he dislikes them, they are completely evil and he refuses to see any good in them...

3. I think I fear change too.


Because I fear change I think I'm going to take some direct theropy... I want to change somethings, and eventually here soon I plan on doing completely different things for the entire week... not nessarily from good to bad, but different...
idk if this is stupid or not, just something I'm thinking about...


A kid in my class was mocking Jesus, talking like He was just a bunch of hype, and I sat there in class more mad at society then at him, because I know that there is a lot of crap out there that gives people plenty of material for that kind of mindset...

I just wish I knew how to show them the Jesus that is so much amazing than the Jesus that has been presented to them...
Idk how to say it, my heart was broken...
they are piling up... it's getting hard...


I need help, I know it, people are there, but it seems to be the hardest thing for me to accept.
I can't do this alone...


Anonymous said...

and you are NEVER alone. You have your friends, but even more so God is seeing your frustration, your worry. He sees you caring so much about your Faith, and who you ARE; how evere, He's not the only one who sees it, I do too.

Love (and praying for you)

Anonymous said...

David, you truly are NEVER alone. And whether you accept those people GOD has placed in your life is a choice only you can make. Just remember that we are always here for you.
I also understand your frustration with the kid in class and society. Sometimes all you can do is pray. But keep an eye out for those times when you can be God's light shining out for all to see. Love ya. Mama K