Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I can ride a bike with no handlebars.

I've always had a problem dealing with Christians in general who were not... deep...
I don't know the word for it...

I'm coming to find that really there are a ton of people out there just searching for something to do...

with this senior project and concert thing, it seems to light people's faces up...
Everybody wants to do something.

We all want to be part of something bigger.

A lot of us are plagued by low expectations...
Christianity is most usually portraited as something you just are and not something you do...
I've been reading a book on leadership...
and it seems when I try to play to people's strengths and give them something to pour out into...
the world just seems productive...
We don't need more David Huttons...
What we need is Christ and his revolution.
I'm significantly insignificant. I'm so small but it's amazing all that I can do from where I'm at...
it's amazing what others can do in their shoes... that's what I need to focus on...

this project, this dream, is an answered prayer. If you like to know what I'm talking about...

It gives a bit of info, but if you read the manual, it has some great idea for activities and all sorts of great things.
I will explain more later. =]

Thanks for everything you all. :)

1 comment:

Special K said...

Dude you are AMAZING!I know youre gonna deny that so I am going to rephrase that and say. You reflect God's love in a major way! I miss all the hangout times dude! You need to come down for a while one weekend and we can go chill at the coffee shop or something!