Friday, September 12, 2008

We break the bone, for a stronger healing.

So today I had like one of those "wow. God. connection."
mainly because last night I was thinking about how this kid from my school got really interested in hanging out with me and the life that I was living, who switched schools and I lost contact with...
I was thinking of how I have kind of left him hanging... it's been a couple of weeks or more since I've talked to him last.
What's weird is that he called me today... I missed his call... but I'm calling him tomorrow...


I feel like I may have the ability to lead this great thing... but I definatly can't do this alone...
I mean Angela basically found all the information on this homelessness awareness week and all of this... Once I went and looked at the finds at my school, it all fit within my senior project and it seems I am a motivator... this can be big, this can be amazing, this can be real.

We need to talk to cityhall
We need to talk to the manager of Shepard's Inn
We need some bands
We need some city members
We need some help putting this together.

Can you think of anything?
(I am referring to the homelessness and hunger awareness week manual as far as ideas go [suggested activities])

I keep posting it, because I believe it can happen. I really do.

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