Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Winning the human race?

Are we certain of the outcome? No.
Are we clear about our direction? Absolutely.

The biggest thing I think I have to worry about is me losing faith in the dream...
We've got a mustard seed.
It's time we move mountains.

I keep picturing Martin Luther King Jr. about to walk on stage and confront so many people...
he believed in his dream, he risked it for him dream, he had confidence.
It was hard, I assume he had like 30o923904 butterflies flopping around in his stomach...
but because he stood tall and poured his heart into it, he moved moutains...
I think that's how God works.. at least in my mind...
It's like mother Teresa said, "We're not called to be successful, only faithful"
I think from there on in thats when God let's us walk on water like Peter in a matter of speaking...

Help me as I help you not lose faith in the dreams that ignite us...

In John 14:12 Jesus says after doing miracles that we shall "do greater things than these" which is a pretty big thing considering he was Jesus and all...
So there's one person who believes we can do something great...
if you need more... I believe it.
and if you believe it you have at least three people, and just think... if one person can change the world, imagine three... and if three people all effect 1 person, that's six, and if you have faith, that's thirty-six, and if you stay strong, that's one thousand two hundred and ninety six... and if they all only reach one person each that's One MILLION Six Hundred-Seventy Nine Thousand Six Hundred and Sixteen.

So be strong. Help me to be strong.
We can change the world for the better.
Not only do we believe in Jesus, Jesus believes in us.
So let's sing it out loud.

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